6th SSC PS meeting

    Short Name
    SSC PS06
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1 Opening of the Meeting
    2 Adoption of Agenda
    3 Overview of the outcomes of previous NPFC meetings
    3.1 SSC PS05 meeting
    3.2 SSC PSint01 virtual meeting
    3.3 COM05 meeting and CMM 2019-08
    4 Review of the Terms of References of the SSC PS and existing protocols
    4.1 Terms of References of the SSC PS
    4.2 CPUE Standardization Protocol
    4.3 Stock Assessment Protocol
    5 Member’s fishery status including 2020 fishery
    6 Fishery-independent abundance indices
    6.1 Review of results of abundance estimation based on 2020 Japanese biomass survey
    6.2 Review of plans of future biomass surveys
    6.3 Recommendations for future work
    7 Fishery-dependent abundance indices
    7.1 Review of any updates and progress
    7.2 Review of progress on collaborative work for development of joint CPUE
    7.3 Recommendations for future work
    8 Stock assessment using “provisional base models” (BSSPM)
    8.1 Review and update of the existing specification
    8.2 Review of BSSPM results
    8.3 Implications to management
    8.4 Development of recommendations to the Commission to improve conservation and management
    8.5 Recommendations for future work
    9 Biological information on Pacific saury
    9.1 Review of any updates and progress
    9.2 Distribution and migration patterns of juvenile Pacific saury
    9.3 Recommendations for future work
    10 Exploration of stock assessment models other than existing “provisional base models”
    10.1 Review of proposal for developing new stock assessment models
    10.2 Invention and refinement of data
    10.3 Finalization of initial data set and assumptions for initial trials of conditioning of new stock assessment models
    10.4 Discussion on simulation setting
    10.5 Data sharing protocol for age/size/stage-structured models
    10.6 Recommendations for future work
    11 Toward setting of biological reference points (RPs) and development of Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE)
    11.1 Review of RPs report
    11.2 Investigation of reasonable actions
    11.3 Discussion on MSE
    11.4 Recommendations for future work
    12 Review of the Work Plan of the SSC PS
    13 Other matters
    13.1 Draft agenda and priority issues for next meeting
    13.2 Dates of SSC PS meetings in 2021
    13.3 Invited experts
    13.3 Other issues
    14 Recommendations to the Scientific Committee
    15 Adoption of Report
    16 Close of the Meeting
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-MIP02 Provisional Agenda_0.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-MIP03 (Rev. 1) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-MIP03(Rev 1) Annotated Indicative Schedule.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP01 (Rev. 1) SSC PS Work Plan for 2020-2025 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP01(Rev 1) SSC PS Work Plan for 2020-2025.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP02 Compiled data on Pacific saury catches in the northwestern Pacific Ocean NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP02 Compiled data on Pacific saury catches in the NWPO_0.xlsx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP03 Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Korean’s stick-held dip net fishery up to 2019 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP03 Pacific saury CPUE standardization_Korea.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP04 CPUE standardization for the Pacific saury Russian catches in the Northwest Pacific Ocean NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP04 Pacific saury CPUE standardization_Russia.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP05 Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Chinese Taipei stick-held dip net fishery up to 2019 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP05 Pacific saury CPUE standardization_Chinese Taipei.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP06 Joint CPUE standardization of the Pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during 2001-2019 by using the conventional and geostatistical approaches NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP06 Joint CPUE standardization of the Pacific saury.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP07 Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the China’s stick-held dip net fishery up to 2019 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP07 Pacific saury CPUE standardization_China.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP08 North Pacific Ocean Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira) 2020 Stock Assessment Update Report NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP08 BSSPM Stock Assessment Update Report_China.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP09 A trial study of stock assessment for North Pacific Ocean Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira) using Age-Structured Assessment Program NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP09 A trial study of stock assessment with ASAP_China.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP10 (Rev. 1) 2019 updates of stock assessment for Pacific saury in the North Pacific Ocean by using Bayesian state-space production models NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP10(Rev 1) BSSPM Stock Assessment Update Report_Japan.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP11 Pacific saury fishing condition in Japan NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP11 Pacific saury fishing condition in Japan.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP12 Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Japanese stick-held dip net fishery up to 2019 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP12 Pacific saury CPUE standardization_Japan.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP13 Updated outcomes on application of VAST model to fishery-independent survey data for Pacific saury
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP14 Estimation of Japanese survey biomass index of Pacific saury for 2020 using VAST model
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP15 (Rev. 1) Description of longitudinal distribution of Pacific saury juvenile in response to NPFC CMM 2019-08 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP15(Rev 1) Description of longitudinal distribution of Pacific saury juvenile.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP16 Age-determination and age-length keys for Pacific saury, Cololabisa saira, from 2000 to 2018 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP16 Age-determination and age-length keys for Pacific saury.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP17 Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean through 2019 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP17 BSSPM Stock Assessment Report_Chinese Taipei.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP18 Body length distributions and age compositions of the Pacific saury caught by the Chinese Taipei saury fishery in 2007-2018 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP18 Body length distributions and age compositions of PS caught by the CTSF.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP19 Saury fishery in the Northwest Pacific by Russian vessels in 2019 and preliminary results of fishery in 2020
    NPFC-2020-SSC PSint01-Summary Summary of the 1st Intersessional Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury SSC PSint01 Summary.pdf
    Report of SSC PS05 meeting (click for LINK)
    Review of Target and Limit Reference Points (click for LINK)
    COM05 report and CMM 2018-08 (click for LINK)
    Terms of Reference for the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury (SSC PS) Terms of Reference for SSC PS.docx
    CPUE Standardization Protocol for Pacific Saury (click for LINK)
    Stock Assessment Protocol for Pacific Saury (click for LINK)