Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File Age-determination and age-length keys for Pacific saury, Cololabisa saira, from 2000 to 2018 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP16 Suyama Satoshi, Hajime Matsui, Taiki Fuji, Shin-Ichiro Nakayama, Midori Hashimoto and Kazuhiro Oshima JAPAN NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP16 Age-determination and age-length keys for Pacific saury.docx Body length distributions and age compositions of the Pacific saury caught by the Chinese Taipei saury fishery in 2007-2018 NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP18 Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang, and Chih-hao Hsieh CHINESE TAIPEI NPFC-2020-SSC PS06-WP18 Body length distributions and age compositions of PS caught by the CTSF.pdf