Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File A review of deep-water shark species (superorder Selachimorpha) known or likely to occur within the North Pacific Fisheries Commission's Convention Area, including preliminary identification keys NPFC-2024-SC09-OP05 FAO DSF project NPFC-2024-SC09-OP05 Taxonomic list of deep-water sharks NPFC.pdf, dwSharks - NPFC SC.pdf Deep-sea fisheries project NPFC-2024-SC09-OP12 NPFC-2024-SC09-OP12 DSF Project activities - NPFC SC.pdf Request for deep-sea fishing effort data by position and gear for fisheries using bottom contact gears NPFC-2024-SC09-OP08 FAO DSF project NPFC-2024-SC09-OP08 Request for fishing effort and position data_DSF.pdf