9th Scientific Committee Meeting

    Tokyo, Japan
    Short Name
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    1.1 Welcome Address and Introductions
    1.2 Appointment of Rapporteur
    1.3 Meeting Arrangements
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Key milestones to achieve for NPFC stock assessment of priority species and provision of management advice
    3.1 A process for reviewing and possibly endorsing domestic stock assessments for priority species
    4. Review of reports and recommendations from the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment (TWG CMSA) and the Small Scientific Committees (SSC BF-ME, SSC NFS, and SSC PS)
    4.1 Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment
    4.2 Small Scientific Committee on Bottom Fish and Marine Ecosystems
    4.3 Small Scientific Committee on Neon Flying Squid
    4.4 Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury
    5. Update from the Joint SC-TCC-COM Small Working Group on Management Strategy Evaluation for Pacific Saury (SWG MSE PS)
    6. Other pelagic priority species
    6.1 Summary of progress on the remaining three priority species
    6.1.1 Blue mackerel (BM)
    6.1.2 Japanese flying squid (JFS)
    6.1.3 Japanese sardine (JS)
    6.2 Review of species summaries
    6.3 Domestic stock assessments of BM, JFS, and JS
    6.4 Future roles and activities of SWG BM, SWG JFS, and SWG JS
    7. Climate change effects on NPFC’s priority species and associated ecosystems
    7.1 Tools for incorporating climate change considerations into scientific advice
    7.2 Current knowledge
    7.2.1 FAO consultancy report on climate change in the North Pacific
    7.3 Ongoing research activities
    7.3.1 PICES’ Basin-scale Events to Coastal Impacts (BECI) project
    7.4 Research priorities and potential scientific projects
    8. Data Collection and Management
    8.1 Data Management System
    8.1.1 Update on GitHub Plan for NPFC
    8.1.2 Evaluation of biological data provision templates
    8.1.3 Data inventory
    8.1.4 Establishment of a new database to manage and archive scientific data
    8.1.5 Potential establishment of a new Small Working Group on Data (SWG Data)
    8.1.6 Review of need of GIS maps with catch and effort data for NFS and JS
    8.2 NPFC Data Sharing and Data Security Protocol
    8.2.1 Revision of Regulations for Management of Scientific Data and Information
    8.3 Data needs, data gaps and strategies to fill gaps
    8.3.1 Information about species belonging to same ecosystem or dependent/associated with target stocks
 Historical information about species captured in surveys and/or discarded bycatch from fisheries in the Convention Area
 Potential impacts on species belonging to same ecosystem or dependent/associated with target stocks
 Status of current non-target catch, definitions of bycatch applied in other RFMOs, and options for defining bycatch within NPFC
    8.3.2 Potential roles of a regional observer program
 Summary of scientific objectives of an observer program
 Summary of the kinds of data that would need to be collected and the level of observer coverage that would be needed on fishing vessels to achieve those scientific objectives by gear type
 Review of template for collecting qualitative information about Members’ sampling programs
 Summary of SC responses to six questions from the TCC Chair
    8.3.3 Potential use of NPFC Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data for scientific purposes
    9. Scientific projects for 2025 and 2026
    9.1 Report on capacity building project
    9.2 Ongoing/planned projects
    9.3 New projects
    9.3.1 Potential project(s) for PS, CM, NPA, SA, and NFS
    9.3.2 Independent review of stock assessments
    9.3.3 Other potential projects
    9.4 Review, prioritization and funding of projects
    10. Cooperation with other organizations
    10.1 Reports on the joint NPFC-PICES activities since the SC08 meeting, including a report from the PICES Secretariat
    10.2 SC representation at scientific meetings
    10.2.1 SC representation in the joint ICES-PICES Working Group on Sustainable Pelagic Forage Communities (WG SPF) and SPF symposium in 2026
    10.2.2 Report on renewal of the NPFC – PICES Framework for Enhanced Scientific Collaboration in the North Pacific
    10.3 Report on cooperation between NPFC and NPAFC
    10.4 FAO ABNJ Deep-sea fisheries project
    10.5 Partnership with the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System of FAO (FIRMS)
    10.6 Partnership with WCPFC and ISC
    10.7 Partnership with SPRFMO
    10.8 Cooperation with other organizations
    11. SC Terms of Reference (TOR) and 2024-2028 Research Plan and Work Plan
    11.1 Review of the Scientific Committee TOR
    11.2 Five-year Research Plan
    11.3 Five-year Work Plan
    11.4 Progress on addressing NPFC PR recommendations for SC
    12. Other matters
    12.1 Coordination between SC and TCC
    12.2 Other issues
    13. Advice and recommendations to the Commission
    14. Next meetings of SC and its subsidiary bodies
    14.1 Meeting schedule for 2025/2026
    14.2 Meeting format and location
    15. Press release
    16. Adoption of the Report
    17. Close of the Meeting
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    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13(Rev 1)
    2023 Biological Data Provision Templates (click for LINK)
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    Prototype of NPFC Neon Flying Squid map
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    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP10 (Rev. 1)
    Press Release NPFC-2024-SC09-IP10(Rev1) Press Release SC09.docx
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2024-SC09-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2024-SC09-MIP02 Provisional Agenda.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-MIP03 (Rev. 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2024-SC09-MIP03(Rev2) Annotated Indicative Schedule.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP01 (Rev. 6) Performance Review Recommendations update NPFC-2024-SC09-WP01(Rev6) Performance Review Recommendations update.xlsx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP02 (Rev. 4) Report on the existing observer programs of NPFC Members and those of other RFMOs NPFC-2024-SC09-WP02(Rev4) Updated report on existing Observer Programs.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP03 Data inventory NPFC-2024-SC09-WP03 Data Inventory.docx, NPFC-2024-SC09-WP03 Data Inventory Table.xlsx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP04 (Rev. 4) Request from the TCC Chair on the development of an ROP and responses from SC NPFC-2024-SC09-WP04(Rev4) SC responses to TCC Chair request on ROP.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP05 Potential use of NPFC Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data for scientific purposes NPFC-2024-SC09-WP05 VMS data science.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP06 SC database: concept paper NPFC-2024-SC09-WP06 SC database concept.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP07 (Rev. 2) Revised Regulations for Management of Scientific Data and Information NPFC-2024-SC09-WP07(Rev2) Revised regulations for management of sc data.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP08 SWG Milestones Report NPFC-2024-SC09-WP08 SWG Milestones report.docx, SWG Milestones SC-2024.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP09 (Rev. 2) Scientific projects NPFC-2024-SC09-WP09(Rev2) Scientific Projects.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP10 (Rev. 2) Blue Mackerel Species Summary NPFC-2024-SC09-WP10(Rev2) Blue Mackerel Species Summary.docx, SC2024_BlueMackerel_SpeciesSummaryUpdate.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP11 (Rev. 1) Japanese Flying Squid Species Summary NPFC-2024-SC09-WP11(Rev1) Japanese Flying Squid Species Summary.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP12 (Rev. 2) Japanese Sardine Species Summary NPFC-2024-SC09-WP12(Rev2) Japanese Sardine Species Summary.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP13 Prototype of NPFC Neon Flying Squid map
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP14 Summary of progress by the Japanese Sardine SSC in 2024 NPFC-2024-SC09-WP14 SWG JS Summary for 2024.docx, JapaneseSardineSC-2024.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP15 Exploring the opportunity for developing common standards for the collection, reporting, verification and exchange of data in NPFC NPFC-2024-SC09-WP15 Common standards for data_EU.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP16 (Rev. 1) SC 2024-2028 Research Plan NPFC-2024-SC09-WP16(Rev1) SC Research Plan - JMRC.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP17 (Rev. 1) Five-Year Work Plan of the Scientific Committee NPFC-2024-SC09-WP17(Rev1) SC Work Plan.docx
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP18 Evaluation and ranking of nominations for SC representatives to be financially supported to participate in relevant scientific meetings NPFC-2024-SC09-WP18 Evaluation and ranking of nominations for SC representatives.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP19 NPFC – PICES Framework for Enhanced Scientific Collaboration in the North Pacific NPFC-2024-SC09-WP19 NPFC-PICES Framework 2025-2029.docx, NPFC-PICES framework renewal for 2025-2029.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP20 (Rev. 1) Stock Assessment of Chub Mackerel in the Northwest Pacific Ocean NPFC-2024-SC09-WP20(Rev1) Stock assessment report for chub mackerel.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP21 An overview of 2024 Chinese survey by fishery research vessel "Song Hang" in the NPFC convention area NPFC-2024-SC09-WP21 CHN surveys 2024.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP22 Study in the ecosystem structure and trophodynamics in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension area
    NPFC-2024-SSC NFS01-WP23 Species in the Northwest Pacific ecosystem from Chinese survey and bycatch in fishery NPFC-2024-SC09-WP23 Survey species and bycatch_CHN.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP01 NPFC Data Management Systems: Progress and Operational Guidelines NPFC-2024-SC09-IP01 NPFC Data Management System Update for SC.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP02 (Rev. 4) Meeting schedule 2025-2026 NPFC-2024-SC09-IP02(Rev4) Meeting schedule 2025-2026.xlsx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP03 Summary of Progress on Blue Mackerel NPFC-2024-SC09-IP03_Summary of Progress on Blue Mackerel.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP04 Rev.1 Domestic Stock Assessment of Blue Mackerel in Japan in 2022 FY (July-June) NPFC-2024-SC09-IP04 Rev.1 BlueMackerel_StockAssessment.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP05 Rev.1 Domestic Stock Assessment of Japanese Sardinein Japan in 2023 FY (January-December) NPFC-2024-SC09-IP05 Rev.1 JapaneseSardine_StockAssessment.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP06 Domestic stock assessment of Japanese flying squid in Japan NPFC-2024-SC09-IP06_JapaneseStockAssessment_JapaneseFlyingSquid_20241218.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP07 Summary of progress on Japanese flying squid NPFC-2024-SC09-IP07_Summary of progress on Japanese Flying Squid_20241218.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP08 Summary of NPFC’s SC representation at PICES 2024 Annual Meeting NPFC-2024-SC09-IP08 NPFC SC Representation at PICES 2024.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP09 PICES-ICES WG53 (WGSPF)Sustainable Pelagic Forage Communities NPFC-2024-SC09-IP09 PICES_WG53_SC2024.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP10 (Rev. 1) Press Release NPFC-2024-SC09-IP10(Rev1) Press Release SC09.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-IP11 TCC UPDATE TO SC09 NPFC-2024-SC09-IP11 TCC UPDATE TO SC09.pdf
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13(Rev 1) 2023 Biological Data Provision Templates (click for LINK)
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP01 Pathways for the incorporation of climate change into the work of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission NPFC-2024-SC09-OP01 Report_FAO_NPFC_CC_Resolution.docx, Presentation_Incorporating Climate Change into the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Framework.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP02 Developing the climate test: robustness trials for climate-ready management procedures NPFC-2024-SC09-OP02 Developing the Climate Test_Carruthers.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP03 Developing the climate test: performance metrics of climate robustness NPFC-2024-SC09-OP03 PMs for Evaluating Climate Readiness_Carruthers.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP04 Harvest Strategies and Climate Change - A Review of the Literature NPFC-2024-SC09-OP04 HSClimateChange_Pew_TOF.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP05 A review of deep-water shark species (superorder Selachimorpha) known or likely to occur within the North Pacific Fisheries Commission's Convention Area, including preliminary identification keys NPFC-2024-SC09-OP05 Taxonomic list of deep-water sharks NPFC.pdf, dwSharks - NPFC SC.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP06 Invitation to the PICES/ICES/FAO International Symposium “Navigating Changes in Small Pelagic Fish and Forage Communities: Climate, Ecosystems, and Sustainable Fisheries NPFC-2024-SC09-OP06 PICES 2026 SPF symposium invitation.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP07 Report on Joint NPFC-PICES activities for SC-09 NPFC-2024-SC09-OP07 Report on Joint activities_PICES.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP08 Request for deep-sea fishing effort data by position and gear for fisheries using bottom contact gears NPFC-2024-SC09-OP08 Request for fishing effort and position data_DSF.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP09 Progress on the Five-year Work Plan to implement NPAFC/NPFC Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) (endorsed by NPFC and NPAFC in 2023) NPFC-2024-SC09-OP09 Progress of 5 year workplan.xlsx, NPFC-2024-SC09-OP09 App1 Draft ToR for NPAFC-NPFC SharePoint.docx, NPFC-2024-SC09-OP09 App2 Draft Joint Workshop concept paper.docx
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP10 Basin-Scale Events & Coastal Impacts (BECI) Project: Making Climate and Ocean Science Work for You NPFC-2024-SC09-OP10 BECI Project.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP11 FIRMS at NPFC-SC09 NPFC-2024-SC09-OP11 FIRMS_NPFC-SC09.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-OP12 Deep-sea fisheries project NPFC-2024-SC09-OP12 DSF Project activities - NPFC SC.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-RP01 Summary of the 1st joint meeting of the Small Working Groups on JFS, JS, and BM NPFC-2024-SC09-RP01 SWG_pelagics01 meeting summary.pdf
    NPFC-2024-SC09-RP02 Summary of the 2nd joint meeting of the Small Working Groups on JFS, JS, and BM NPFC-2024-SC09-RP02 SWG_pelagics02 meeting summary.pdf
    MOU between NPAFC and NPFC (click for LINK)
    SSC BFME05 report SSC BFME05 report.pdf
    SSC NFS meeting report (click for LINK) NFS_2024 NPFC_SC_20241217.pdf
    SWG MSE PS05 report (click for LINK)
    Partnership Arrangement between FIRMS and NPFC (click for LINK)
    NPFC's MOUs with WCPFC and ISC (click for LINK)
    MOU between SPRFMO and NPFC (click for LINK)
    Materials from ICES RTMB training course
    TWG CMSA08&09 meeting reports (click for LINK) Rep_TWGCMSA2024_Dec18.pdf