Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File 2018 Pacific saury catch and effort data_Korea NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP09 KOREA Joint CPUE standardization of the Pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during 2001-2017 by using the conventional and geostatistical approaches NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP10 Jhen Hsu and Yi-Jay Chang CHINESE TAIPEI NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP10 Joint CPUE standardization with conventional and geostatistical approaches.pdf 2018 Pacific saury catch and effort data_Russia NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP20 RUSSIA Pacific Saury Catch and Effort Map NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP21 Secretariat NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP21 Pacific Saury Catch and Effort 1994-2017 Map_0.pdf