Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Russia NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP02 (Rev. 2) RUSSIA Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Vanuatu NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP03 VANUATU Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by China NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP04 CHINA Description for monthly catch and effort data of the Japanese stick-held dip net fishery during 1994-2017 in the North Pacific Ocean with 1-degree geographical resolution NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP06a Toshihide Iwasaki, Miyako Naya, Satoshi Suyama, Kazuhiro Ohshima and Midori Hashimoto JAPAN Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Japan NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP06b JAPAN Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Korea NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP08 (Rev. 1) KOREA Data for joint CPUE index and joint map of catch and effort of Pacific saury by Chinese Taipei NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP12 CHINESE TAIPEI