Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File Revised CMM 2023-05 - Conservation and Management Measure for Bottom Fisheries and Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Documents endorsed by SC08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP01 Revised CMM 2023-06 - Conservation and Management Measure for Bottom Fisheries and Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean Documents endorsed by SC08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP02 Nomenclatural correction to CMM 2023-11 - Conservation and Management Measure for Japanese Sardine, Neon Flying Squid and Japanese Flying Squid Documents endorsed by SC08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP03 Proposed updates to CMM 2023-08 (Pacific saury) Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP06 Japan Proposed updates to CMM 2023-07 (chub mackerel) Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP07 Rev.1 Japan Recommendation for a Measure to Protect Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention Area Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2023-COM08-WP08 Rev.1 Canada and Korea: REVISIONS TO CMM 2023-05: THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR BOTTOM FISHERIES AND PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE MARINE ECOSYSTEMS IN THE NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP09 Rev.1 USA Observer paper submitted by The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Ocean Foundation NPFC-2024-COM08-OP03 The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Ocean Foundation Combined Proposal to Amend the VMS CMM 2023-12 TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP20 Draft NPFC Implementation Questionnaire (CMS CMM) TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP21 EU PROPOSAL FOR AMENDING CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR CHUB MACKEREL (CMM 2023-07) TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP10 EU EU PROPOSAL FOR AMENDING CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR JAPANESE SARDINE, NEON FLYING SQUID AND JAPANESE FLYING SQUID (CMM 2023-11) TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP12 EU Proposal by the United States of America to Amend CMM 2019-02: Conservation and Management Measure to Establish a List of Vessels Presumed to Have Carried Out Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Activities in the Convention Area of the NPFC TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP06 United States Proposal from Small Working Group, Planning and Development to revise CMM 2023-13 Compliance Monitoring Scheme TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP04 Rev.4 Proposal from Small Working Group, Planning and Development to revise CMM 2023-13 Compliance Monitoring Scheme TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP04 Rev.6 Proposal from Small Working Group, Planning and Development to revise CMM 2023-13 Compliance Monitoring Scheme TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP04 Rev.5 Proposal to amend the Transshipment CMM 2023-03 TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP02 Rev.2 Japan Proposal to amend the Transshipment CMM 2023-03 TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP02 Rev.3 Japan Proposal to amend the Transshipment CMM 2023-03 TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP02 Rev.4 Japan Proposal to Revise CMM 2023-15 on the Prevention, Reduction and Elimination of Marine Pollution TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP08 Rev.5 Korea Proposed updates to CMM 2023-07 (chub mackerel) Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP07 Rev.2 Japan Proposed updates to CMM 2023-07 (chub mackerel) Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP07 Rev.3 Japan Proposed updates to CMM 2023-07 (chub mackerel) Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP07 Rev.4 Japan Proposed updates to CMM 2023-08 (Pacific saury) Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP06 Rev.1 Japan Proposed updates to CMM 2023-08 (Pacific saury) Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP06 Rev.2 Japan Recommendation for a Measure to Protect Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention Area Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2023-COM08-WP08 Rev.4 Canada and Korea: Recommendation for a Measure to Protect Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention Area Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2023-COM08-WP08 Rev.2 Canada and Korea: Recommendation for a Measure to Protect Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention Area Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2023-COM08-WP08 Rev.3 Canada and Korea: Resolution on Core Principles on Labor Standards in NPFC Fisheries Proposed by the United States of America, Canada, and Republic of Korea TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP13 Rev.1 United States of America, Canada, and Republic of Korea Resolution on Core Principles on Labor Standards in NPFC Fisheries Proposed by the United States of America, Canada, and Republic of Korea TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP13 Rev.2 United States of America, Canada, and Republic of Korea Resolution on Core Principles on Labor Standards in NPFC Fisheries Proposed by the United States of America, Canada, and Republic of Korea TCC WP forwarded to COM NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP13 Rev.3 The United States of America, Republic of Korea, and Canada REVISIONS TO CMM 2023-05: THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR BOTTOM FISHERIES AND PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE MARINE ECOSYSTEMS IN THE NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP09 Rev.2 USA REVISIONS TO CMM 2023-05: THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR BOTTOM FISHERIES AND PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE MARINE ECOSYSTEMS IN THE NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN Documents submitted directly to COM08 NPFC-2024-COM08-WP09 Rev.3 USA Small Working Group on Operations Presents Proposed Amendments to CMM 2023-09 on HSBI for TCC Consideration TCC WP endorsed by TCC07 NPFC-2024-TCC07-WP14 TCC SWG Operations