Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File Proposed Amendment to CMM 2019-05 NPFC-2021-COM06-WP01 (Rev. 2) Proposed amendment to CMM 2019-11 NPFC-2021-COM06-WP02 Amendment to CMM for Pacific Saury NPFC-2021-COM06-WP05 (Rev. 1) Japan Korea - Now posted as NPFC-2023-TCC06-WP16 - Proposal to amend CMM 2021-12 on the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) NPFC-2023-COM07-WP07 Updated status by the Secretariat Proposed amendment to CMM 2019-07 for Chub Mackerel NPFC-2021-COM06-WP06 Vanuatu Statement on NPFC Pacific Saury CMM NPFC-2021-COM06-IP04