Agenda Item 11.1. - Summaries of historical discarded bycatch by Members (Canada, Japan, Korea)

    Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File
    Bycatch information by Korean bottom fisheries in the Emperor Seamounts NPFC-2024-SSC BFME05-WP21 (Rev. 1) Hyejin Song and Jeongseok Park
    NPFC-2024-SSC BFME05-WP21(Rev1) Bycatch information Korean bottom fisheries.docx
    Bycatch Summary Sablefish Fishery NPFC-2024-SSC BFME05-WP07 Chris Rooper
    NPFC-2024-SSC BFME05-WP07 Sablefish_Bycatch_Summary.pdf
    Trends of discarded bycatch by Japanese bottom fisheries in the NPFC Convention Area NPFC-2024-SSC BFME05-WP14 Motoomi Yamaguchi, Satoi Arai, Kota Sawada
    NPFC-2024-SSC BFME05-WP14 bycatch.docx