Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File Conservation And Management Measure For Three (3) Pelagic Species – Japanese Sardine, Neon Flying Squid, And Japanese Flying Squid NPFC-2019-COM05-WP13 (Rev 2) Adaptive Management for NP armorhead Annex 6 CMM 2019-05 NPFC-2019-COM05-WP06 JAPAN Conservation Management Measure for the Compliance Monitoring Scheme NPFC-2019-COM05-WP12 (Rev 3) Conservation and Management Measure for a Regional Vessel Monitoring System NPFC-2019-TCC04-WP05 (Rev 8) Conservation and Management Measure for Bottom Fisheries and Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean NPFC-2019-COM05-WP14 Conservation and Management Measure for Bottom Fisheries and Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean NPFC-2019-COM05-WP15