Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File Standardizing CPUE of Japanese commercial dip-net fishery targeting spawners of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP03 Naoto Shinohara, Shota Nishijima and Momoko Ichinokawa JAPAN NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP03 Standardized CPUE_SSB_dipnet_Japan.pdf Standardizing monthly egg survey data as an abundance index for spawning stock biomass of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP04 Naoto Shinohara, Shota Nishijima, Momoko Ichinokawa and Ryuji Yukami JAPAN NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP04 Egg Survey_Japan.pdf Standardizing abundance index for recruitment of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP06 Naoto Shinohara, Shota Nishijima, Momoko Ichinokawa, Ryuji Yukami and Yasuhiro Kamimura JAPAN NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP06 Recruitment Index_Japan.pdf Standardized CPUE of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicas) caught by the China’s lighting purse seine fishery up to 2019 NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP17 Yongchuang Shi, Heng Zhang, Qiuyun Ma, Chao Yang, Guoqing Zhao CHINA NPFC-2021-TWG CMSA04-WP17 Standardized CPUE of chub mackerel_China.pdf