2nd SSC BF-ME meeting

    Short Name
    SSC BF-ME02
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Stock assessment and scientific advice on the management of North Pacific armorhead (NPA)
    3.1 Review of Members fishing statistics for NPA in 2021
    3.2 NPA monitoring survey and Adaptive Management Procedure (AMP)
    3.2.1 Review of the results from 2021 monitoring survey
    3.3 Update on analyses or progress on biomass estimates from the NPA 2021 acoustic survey
    3.4 Review of Members’ research and joint research activities on NPA
    3.4.1 Analysis of recruitment relationships to oceanography
    3.4.2 Species summary document for NPA
    3.4.3 Update on Japan’s maturity data
    4. Stock assessment and scientific advice on the management of splendid alfonsino (SA)
    4.1 Review of Members fishing statistics for SA in 2021
    4.2 Review of Members’ research and joint research activities on SA
    4.2.1 Yield per recruit analysis update of SA
    4.2.2 Species summary document for SA
    4.3 Adaptive management strategy for SA
    4.3.1 Intersessional work to develop TOR for SA adaptive management plan
    5. Stock assessment and scientific advice on the management of sablefish
    5.1 Review of Members fishing statistics for sablefish in 2021
    5.2 Review of Members’ research and joint research activities on sablefish
    5.2.1 Tagging studies – Joint USA-Canada research
    5.2.2 Sablefish Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE)
    5.2.3 Species summary document for sablefish
    5.2.4 Evaluation of historical harvest relative to trip limits
    6. Data-limited management tools and approach to assessment of NPA and SA
    6.1 Discussion of next steps in identification of data limited approaches to stock assessment for NPA and SA
    6.1.1 Review of data available and data quality for stock assessment of NPA and SA (compiled by SWG)
    6.1.2 Discussion of data availability and sharing
    6.1.3 Review and recommendation of data limited tools available to use with existing data for NPA and/or SA
    6.1.4 Recommendations for plans to determine stock status and potentially rebuilding stocks
    6.1.5 Formulate TOR for stock assessment for NPA and SA
    6.1.6 Update on plans to hold workshop on managing NPA, SA and other species with other RFMO’s
    6.1.7 Review CPUE time series for NPA and SA commercial fisheries
    7. Assessment and scientific advice on the management of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME)
    7.1 Review of Members’ research and joint research activities on VME
    7.1.1 Update on developing a quantitative definition of VMEs
    7.1.2 Review of Members available VME related data
    7.2 VME identification
    7.2.1 Update on VME indicator taxa identification course
    7.2.2 Review and recommendation of data used to identify VME (the flow chart from SWG VME)
    7.3 Encounter protocol
    7.3.1 Review and recommendation of post-encounter measures
    7.3.2 Consider gear-specific thresholds and gear-specific closures for encounter protocol
    7.3.3 Reports from Members on analyses of the impacts of different fishing gears on VME from their own data or literature
    7.4 Significant and adverse impacts (SAI) assessment
    7.4.1 Update on small working group progress on standardizing an approach to defining SAI
    7.4.2 Update on analysis of the potential impact of current fishing activities on known and potential VME sites in the Emperor Seamount area
    8. Data collection and reporting
    8.1 Review of the template for collection of scientific observer data
    8.2 Update on Japan’s fish ID guide, translation into English and translation costs
    8.3 Review and discussion of other RFMOs’ practices regarding developing maps of combined fishing footprint
    9. 5-Year Rolling Work Plan
    9.1 North Pacific armorhead
    9.2 Splendid alfonsino
    9.3 Sablefish
    9.4 Vulnerable marine ecosystems
    9.5 Other ecosystem components
    10. Review and revision of CMMs 2021-05 and 2019-06 for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems and CMM 2019-10 for sablefish
    11. Other matters
    11.1 Inter-sessional work and priority issues for next meeting
    11.2 Election of SSC BF-ME Chair and vice-Chair
    11.3 Update on PICES WG47 Seamount Ecology
    11.4 Other issues
    12. Recommendations to the Scientific Committee
    13. Next meeting
    14. Adoption of the Report
    15. Close of the Meeting
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    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP13
    Blackspotted and Rougheye Rockfishes Species Summary
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP12
    Sablefish Species Summary
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    9.3 Sablefish
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-MIP02 Provisional Agenda_0.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-MIP03 (Rev. 3) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-MIP03(Rev 3) Annotated Indicative Schedule.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP01 Small Working Group on NPA and SA - Summary for 2021 NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP01 SWG NPA-SA summary for 2021.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP02 Summary of research into the effects of oceanography on North Pacific Armorhead recruitment in the Emperor Seamounts NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP02 Effects of oceanography on NPA recruitment.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP03 (Rev. 1) Five-Year Work Plan of the SSC BF-ME NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP03(Rev 1) Five-year Work Plan of SSC BF-ME.docx
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP04 A brief summary of current Sablefish science and management in the eastern North Pacific including the NPFC Convention Area NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP04 Sablefish science and management in the eastern North Pacific.pdf
    NPFC-2021-BFME02-WP05 Predictive Habitat Models and Visual Surveys to Identify Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems on Seamounts in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention Area NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP05 Predictive Habitat Models and Visual Surveys to Identify VMEs.pdf, NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP05 Predictive Habitat Models and Visual Surveys to Identify VMEs_pr.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP06 Species summary of North Pacific armorhead (Pentaceros wheeleri) in the Emperor seamounts NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP06 Species summary of North Pacific armorhead in the Emperor seamounts.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP07 Species summary of Splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens) in the Emperor seamounts NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP07 Species summary of Splendid alfonsino in the Emperor seamounts.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP08 Preliminary analysis for estimating size at sexual maturity of Splendid alfonsino (Beryx Splendens) in the Emperor seamounts NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP08 Preliminary analysis for estimating size at sexual maturity of Splendid alfonsino.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP09 (Rev. 1) Report of Japanese sea-floor visual survey in the southern Emperor Seamounts (southern-ES) in 2021 NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP09(Rev 1) Report of the Japanese sea-floor visual survey.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP10 Small Working Group on VMEs - Summary for 2021 NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP10 SWG VME summary for 2021.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP11 Provisional design and content of fish identification guide NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP11 Design and content of fish identification guide.docx
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP12 Sablefish Species Summary
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP13 Blackspotted and Rougheye Rockfishes Species Summary
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP14 Catch size composition of North Pacific Armorhead (Pentaceros wheeleri) in the Emperor Seamounts by the Korean trawl fishery up to 2019 NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP14 Catch size of North Pacific Armorhead by Korean trawl fishery.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP15 Synopsis of Literature Assessing the Impacts of Longline Hooks and Traps on the Seafloor – Contribution from Canada NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP15 Impacts of Longline Hooks and Traps on the Seafloor.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP16 Deep sea ecosystems of the Emperor Seamounts NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP16 Deep sea ecosystems of the Emperor Seamounts 2019-2021.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP17 Revised CMM 2021-05 for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northwestern Pacific Ocean NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP17 Revised CMM 2021-05.docx
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP18 Revised CMM 2019-06 for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northeastern Pacific Ocean NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-WP18 Revised CMM 2019-06.docx
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP01 SIMRAD's ITI fishing net monitoring system and Marport's Trawl Fish System used by Kaiyo Maru No.51 in the Emperor Seamount: Information for discussion on temporary measure of NPFC post-encounter measure NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP01 Information for discussion on temporary measure of NPFC post-encounter measure.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP02 (Rev. 1) Summary of bottom fishing footprint data shared by Members NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP02(Rev 1) Summary of BF footprint data and map.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP02 (Rev. 1) NPFC SC Project #10: International Course for NPFC Observers for VME Indicator Taxa Identification
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP03 Results of a monitoring survey for North Pacific armorhead in the Emperor Seamounts in 2021 NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP03 Results of monitoring survey for NPA in 2021.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP04 Review of other RFMOs’ practices regarding developing maps of combined fishing footprint NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-IP04 Other RFMOs practices regarding combined fishing footprint.pdf
    NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-OP01 A summary of 2021 activities by PICES Working Group 47 (WG-47) on Ecology of Seamounts NPFC-2021-SSC BFME02-OP01 2021 activities by PICES WG-47 on Ecology of Seamounts.pdf
    Template for collecting scientific observer data from bottom fisheries (click for LINK)
    Summary Footprint of Bottom Fisheries (Click for LINK)
    Summary Footprint of Bottom Fisheries (Click for LINK)