

The NPFC Scientific Committee (SC) and its subsidiary bodies met from 9 to 20 December 2024 in person with remote participation via video conferencing. The meetings were attended by the NPFC Members (Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Chinese Taipei, the United States of America and Vanuatu), observers from inter- and non-governmental organizations as well as invited experts.

The SC marked the 10




On 5 September 2024, the NPFC Chair, Mr. Shingo OTA, signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-Like Species in the North Pacific Ocean (ISC). NPFC Members have been committed to strengthening…


The 8th Meeting of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (COM08) took place from 15 to 18 April 2024, in-person and by video conferencing. The Commission meeting was chaired by Mr. Shingo OTA (Japan). It was preceded by the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC06) meeting on 13 April and the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC07) meeting from 9 to12 April. The event was…


Press Release

The NPFC Scientific Committee (SC) and its subsidiary bodies met from 7 to 19 December 2023 in person for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic with remote participation via video conferencing. The meetings were attended by the NPFC Members (Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Chinese Taipei, the United States of America and Vanuatu), observers from inter- and non-governmental organizations as well as…


Hosted by the Government of Vanuatu, three NPFC subsidiary…


The NPFC has been strengthening cooperation with several regional and global organizations including the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) of the Food and Aquaculture Organization (FAO), the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC), the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization (SPRFMO), the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), and the…


Seventh Commission Session Concludes Hybrid Meetings in Sapporo, Japan

For Immediate Release: 24 March 2023

The 7th Meeting of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (COM07) took place from 22 to 24 March 2023, in-person and by video conferencing. The Commission meeting was chaired by Dr. Vladimir Belyaev (Russia). It was preceded by the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC05) Meeting…


The NPFC Scientific Committee (SC) and its subsidiary bodies met via video conferencing from 8 to 20 December 2022. The meetings were attended by the NPFC Members (Canada, China, European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Chinese Taipei, the United States of America and Vanuatu…

New ES

Dr. Robert Day has started his appointment as Executive Secretary of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission. He looks forward to working with the other members of the secretariat to support the Commission members on their objective for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of fisheries resources in the North Pacific Ocean.

Dr. Day can be reached at and…


NPFC convened intersessional meetings of SSC PS, TWG CMSA and SWG MSE PS from 30 August to 13 September 2022.

The meeting of the SSC PS (Small Working Group on Pacific Saury) focused on data preparation to update the stock assessment of Pacific saury using…