Review of biology and fisheries of splendid alfonsino Beryx splendens, especially in the Emperor seamounts area

    We review biology and fisheries of splendid alfonsino Beryx splendens, with special reference to the Emperor seamounts area, to facilitate discussion in NPFC SSC-BF. First, previous studies on taxonomy, biogeography, diet, reproduction, life history and stock structure of splendid alfonsino are summarized. Then we overview the history, current status and regulations of exploitation of this fish stock. The previous stock assessment by Japan is also reviewed and criticized. To provide a preliminary diagnosis of stock status, an analysis of body size composition among catch is also presented, suggesting a considerable downsizing.

    Document Number
    NPFC-2018-SSC BF01-WP03
    Document Version
    Agenda Item
    Progress in stock assessments of bottom fish and development of adaptive management process and harvest control rules for North Pacific Armorhead
    Kota Sawada, Kazuya Nishida*, Shiroh Yonezaki and Masashi Kiyota
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