Secretariat - Cooperation with the International Scientific Committee

    As noted in NPFC-2023-FAC05-WP07 and WP09, there is the opportunity to consider greater collaboration with the ISC.
    The International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean was established in 1995 for the purpose of enhancing scientific research and cooperation for conservation and rational utilization of tuna and tuna-like species (HMS) of the North Pacific Ocean, and to establish the scientific groundwork for the conservation and rational utilization of the HMS in the North Pacific Ocean.
    The ISC provides the science advice for northern stocks managed through the WCPFC Northern Committee. The attached draft MOU is drawn from the drafts with SPRFMO and WCPFC that themselves are based on MoU in place between SPRFMO and WCPFC. The draft focuses on the scientific aspects that are included in the broader NPFC - WCPFC draft MoU, recognizing the role of ISC.
    This approach has been discussed informally with the Chairs of NPFC SC, ISC and Northern Committee. Members are asked to consider this approach and if the general outline of the MoU is acceptable recognizing that NPFC SC and the other institutions need to be engaged more formally, should the Commission agree.

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    Paper submitted by the Secretariat
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