Basic Biological Characteristics of Neon Flying Squid Collected by Chinese Squid Jigging Vessels in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Surveys by Chinese squid jigging vessels gave insights into the biological dynamics of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii)in the Northwest Pacific Ocean between 2007 and 2018. Basic Biological Characteristics of neon flying squid, including the mantle length (ML) composition, body weight (BW) composition, ML-BW relationship and the sexual maturity composition, were detailed in this report. Data revealed that between 2007 and 2018 there was an interannual variability in mantle length and body weight of neon flying squid,showing a downward and then upward trend, and there was a shift in the individual size from short and fat to tall and thin, a phenomenon that may be related to the frequent occurrence of extreme weather events. Those biological data of NFS provided by Chinese squid fishing vessels are expected to provide complementary information for NFS stock assessment.